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Building Strategic Alliances As A New AD With Cal's Jim Knowlton

Guest Jim Knowlton, Cal
16:40 min watch


Jim Knowlton, Director of Athletics at Cal, discusses building strategic alliances as a new leader. Knowlton touches on his meticulous process of deliberate listening during the first 90 days on campus and how it ties in with creating alliances with the campus community. Knowlton also talks about the important role of the President when establishing a collaborative presence on campus.


(Click the timestamp below to jump to a specific question/topic)

  • - Why are strategic alliances important and how did you go about creating key alliances as the new Athletics Director at Cal?
  • - How do you evaluate the impact strategic alliances?
  • - What is your process for “Listening Days” and how do you process the information you gather during the first 90 days?
  • - On the intensity of gathering information during those first 90 days
  • - How do you tie the “Listening Days” to developing strategic alliances on campus?
  • - What are the commonalities of creating strategic alliances across the institutions where you’ve served AD?
  • - During the interview, was the President of the institution enthusiastic about athletics and did that help you decide if the job was right for you?
  • - How has the President helped you create those strategic alliances on campus and in the community?
  • - Advice to leaders who are new to an organization