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Navigating Transitions With Former Athletic Director Jeff Long

Guest Jeff Long, Kansas/Arkansas
21:06 min watch


Former multi-stop Director of Athletics Jeff Long sits down with longtime athletic administrator Mónica Lebrón to offer advice on navigating career transitions, assessing opportunities and incorporating family into the journey to the Big Chair. In reflecting on his various career moves, including serving as AD at Eastern Kentucky, Pittsburgh, Arkansas and Kansas, Long notes: “It was very important for me that [the president at a potential next stop] knew who I was and what I stood for… what I would stand for and what I wouldn’t stand for.” Long and Lebrón also talk about the impact of mentors, the value of self-reflection and the importance of maintaining a growth mindset about one’s weaknesses.

The conversation is indexed below for efficient viewing (click the time stamp to jump to a specific question/topic).

  • - I want to talk about transitions; right now I'm in a transition for the first time in my 26 year career. Give us your wisdom. What should we be thinking about and looking for as we navigate and approach a transition?
  • - How did you walk through convincing your next president that you were still a great leader?
  • - Talk to me about self-reflection, looking in the mirror, growing and getting better.
  • - Talk to me about mentorship - both how mentors have supported you and how you've served as a mentor to others.
  • - Can you elaborate on how you bring your family along with you for the career decisions and subsequent transitions?
  • - You've been an Athletic Director several times - how do we get there?
  • - You left Eastern Kentucky, as an AD - you had made it! But Joe C. invites you to Oklahoma. You were an Internal guy, he wants you to oversee External. Talk about that.
  • - Elaborate on the importance of knowing your weaknesses.
  • - What's one last thing you'd like to leave our viewers with? If they take one thing away from this conversation, what should it be?