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Developing The Next Generation Of Coaches With WeCOACH

Guest Vanessa Fuchs, WeCOACH
28:37 min watch


WeCOACH CEO Vanessa Fuchs joins ADU’s Tai M. Brown at the 2024 Women Leaders Convention to offer insight into the development of female coaches across all sports and provide a glimpse at the professional development and networking opportunities offered by the organization. WeCOACH, which has seen over a 1000% increase in participation and membership during the past three years, endeavors to empower more women to join the coaching ranks at all levels of competition. Fuchs: “Less than 50% women coach at every level of sport and we’re really trying to change that and infuse more women leadership into sport teams, from youth and high school up through collegiate and professional.”

The conversation is indexed below for efficient viewing (click the time stamp to jump to a specific question/topic).

  • - Describe to me the purpose of WeCOACH.
  • - Was there coaching in your background?
  • - What process went through your mind when the opportunity to lead WeCOACH was presented to you?
  • - Distribution is one of the most important things you can have; tell me about the process you've implemented that includes partnering with conferences to serve all of their coaches.
  • - If my conference signs up with WeCOACH, does every current coach or student-athlete that wants to coach have carte blanche access to programming?
  • - What types of programming is available to participants?
  • - So you're putting a pin in the exact moment of someone's career while also pairing them with someone to push them to advance further.
  • - Does the data show that these women are getting into administration or are they getting out of the industry completely?
  • - Tell me about the innovative and creative aspect of WeCOACH that you've implemented since coming on board?
  • - Is there a way to figure out the biggest need for the membership so that you can provide them the appropriate programming?
  • - What is the exposure process for young professionals who think they want to get into coaching, to share with them what it's really like?
  • - Do you have programming that specifically prepares women to be a head coach?
  • - Talk to me about the phenomenon where women are more likely to say they don't want to be a Head Coach or AD but want to instead stay in the Number 2 role.
  • - I guess you have to accept where people want to go in their career.
  • - There are two professions where it's hard to separate who you are from what you do: teaching and coaching.