Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Commissioner Sonja Stills joins ADU’s Tai M. Brown at the 2024 Women Leaders Convention to reflect on strategic planning, realignment and expansion and the role of Athletics in shaping the culture at an HBCU. Stills introduces Brown to the concept of “long-range” planning, providing insight into her methods for cultivating collaboration among league CEOs and establishing buy-in from conference members. Stills: [Conference Presidents give me] “the freedom to push the conference in the right direction. We have a strategic and long-range plan… and we have all the stakeholders buy in. If we’re sticking towards that, they understand my vision because I wouldn’t be here if they didn’t buy into the vision that I have for the conference.” Stills emphasizes the importance of consistent evaluation and retooling of the plan to incorporate the ongoing changes and impacts of decisions such as the House settlement on conference members. Stills also discusses the development of the MEAC Foundation to strengthen the foundation of the Elite Eight as the league considers expansion and details the process for defining fit for potential future members.
The conversation is indexed below for efficient viewing (click the time stamp to jump to a specific question/topic).