Teamworks Founder & CEO, Zach Maurides, and INFLCR Founder & CEO, Jim Cavale, sit down with AthleticDirectorU, following their recent merger. The duo discusses the mutual interest in each others’ organizations, the synergies between the two companies, and how their mission and core values align.
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Merging With A Purpose: Teamworks’ Maurides & INFLCR’s Cavale
Guest Zach Maurides, Teamworks; Jim Cavale, INFLCR
30:16 min watch
- - Talk about why INFLCR was an interesting company for a partnership. (Maurides)
- - Why were you interested in a partnership with Teamworks? (Cavale)
- - As an entrepreneur, what was the thought process of merging?
- - How does the fact that you are both former athletes play into the synergy between companies?
- - How will the synergies between the companies help the employees of both organizations grow beyond their respective responsibilities?