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Exploring The Art Of The Possible With Deloitte

Guest Caitlin Jacklin, Deloitte
6:32 min watch


Deloitte US College Athletics Leader Caitlin Jacklin sits down with D1.ticker/ADU’s Matt Roberts at the 2024 NACDA Convention to share more about the firm’s ability to leverage experience in pro sports, entertainment, hospitality and higher education to provide solutions for athletic departments. Jacklin: “I really see our superpower as connecting all of the dots across specialties and disciplines.” Jacklin and Roberts consider the gap between revenue and expenses across the industry, the pace of change in the industry and the eventualities every administrator needs to consider.

The conversation is indexed below for efficient viewing (click the time stamp to jump to a specific question/topic).

  • - Deloitte’s formalizing its presence in college athletics, but you aren’t foreign to the overall global marketplace for sports.
  • - College athletics is a unique combination of industries in some ways; talk us through how you see expertise from other areas of the company plugging into the college space to provide solutions.
  • - Deloitte’s been involved in higher education for quite some time. How do you perceive leadership in higher ed understanding the pace at which change is occurring in college athletics?
  • - Of the areas of expertise you mentioned, are there a couple that you see direct application for today as opposed to a long-term “we can help in all areas” vision? What are the ones that we need to plug in now?
  • - You’re a Texas A&M grad; recently new AD Trev Alberts said, “We don’t have a revenue problem, we have an expense problem.” Do you agree?
  • - You used the word “eventualities.” Outcomes. Talk through more how the firm’s thinking about those.
  • - Are there higher ed trend lines or developments that may be outside the purview of a college athletics department but that leaders really need to be aware of and keeping tabs on?